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Chanukah Pot Luck Party & Auction

Thursday, December 26, 2024 25 Kislev 5785

6:00 PM - 9:00 PMUUCOD, 72427 Vial Vail, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270

Join us as we celebrate the first night of Chanukah with food and friends. Bring your menorah and candles. There will be a special auction where you can bid on massages, housekeeping and handyman services, catering, transportation, and a host of other very desirable lifestyle services. Proceeds support a gift to Eze, our Oneg Caterer.


Enter the names of additional attendees in the Notes below.

Also, enter the food item you'll be bringing.  It should be enough for 8-10 people.




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Sat, December 21 2024 20 Kislev 5785